Snooker Party! @6 - 8pm
With Holly Burchsted & Lora Abbott
Have you started trialing in USDAA, UKI, or CPE and are hesitant to enter snooker because the rules seem too complicated? Have you entered it only to get discouraged by the dreaded “TWEET!” and you'd like to learn why? Come learn the basics behind this strategy game, practice planning a course that plays to your team's strengths, then apply what you've learned by planning, walking, and running a real beginner level snooker course! Course will consist of mostly jumps and tunnels, may have one contact or weaves. If contacts or weaves is not a strength for your team, we will show you how you can still be successful in this game!
Workshop will focus on the most challenging aspect of snooker: making your plan on paper! We will practice this with several different paper course maps. Then we will run at least 1 course with the dogs to put your plan into action!
Limit 8, $50/team
Sample snooker map