Tuesday January 29 (Full day. Repeat of Saturday)
Puppy Tricks and Foundation Training
Thursday January 31 (half days. Repeat of Friday)
9-12:30p - Tight Turns and Directional cues
1:30-5p - Common Course Patterns - 1 spot
Friday February 1 (half days) - Full
9-12:30p - Tight Turns and Directional cues
1:30-5p - Common Course Patterns
Saturday February 2 (9am-5pm) - Full
Puppy Tricks and Foundation Training
Sunday February 3 (9am-5pm) - Full
European Style Coursework
Times / Cost: As marked
Auditors: $110/day
Limit 10 working spots per session
Tight Turns and Directional commands
Turns and rapid changes of directions seem to be the essence of today’s agility courses. Wide turns cost you time and jumping in the wrong direction can set your dog up for a bad line, leading to eliminations or refusals. Directional commands and Silvia’s "ciks & caps" are very efficient and very easy to train!
Half day. $125. Young teams welcome!
Common Course Patterns
Have you ever noticed how some tricky situations are so popular that you can find them in almost every course? Find a way to get comfortable with outs, serpentines, threadles, second tunnel entries. Short exercises will be used.
Half day. $125. Young teams welcome!
Puppy Tricks and Foundation Training
It all starts with puppies! Setting up good foundation gives your dog an opportunity for a long, healthy and successful carrier. Creating a great bond, building body awareness, conquering fears and challenging the young mind is simply too important to miss!
Full Day. $225.
European Style Coursework
No particular handling style or special handling moves needed. Finding the optimal way through course for each individual team. Polona likes to keep the moves simple and natural, trying to find the right balance between helping the dog and running away to be there for him in the next tricky situation.
Full Day. $225.