Saturday, February 8, 2019 All seminars with Holly Burchsted.
Running A-frames @9am - 12pm
A running A-frame should be fast and smooth for the dog to execute, without jarring the shoulders.
In this 3 hour workshop, we will discuss what a good running A-frame looks like, and teach the dogs how to have good, comfortable form while building muscle memory for the correct performance.
To get the most out of this workshop, your dog should be physically mature with growth plates closed.
Workshop repeated on Feb 23. Choose one or take both for continuing progression.
Limit 6, $65/team
Crossing the Line! @ 1-3pm
Struggle with Rears? This workshop will get into the meat and potatoes of rear crosses. Does your dog not want to pass in front of you? Does s/he spin in the wrong direction after? You will learn why and how your dog knows which way to go so you can finally master this handling technique! Jumps and tunnels will be used. All levels welcome as instruction will be tailored for each team.
Limit 6, $50/team
Blind Crosses can be scary! You will learn safe and proper timing to execute those blinds with confidence, every time! When, where, and how to blind cross. All levels welcome as instruction will be tailored for each team.
Limit 6, $50/team