8/31 Friday - Course Training
Challenging courses will be set to challenge your skills as a team. You should be comfortable using OneMind Dogs techniques and applying them on course or staring to use them comfortably. Courses will be broken down as needed to suit individual needs.
9/1 Saturday - Either/Or Training
Handle flawlessly! Learn how to navigate your dog through all possibilities of similar sequences! Does your dog follow your handling or make guesses? Do you know what you are telling your dog with your handling? Come and learn—both handler and dog—how do do each sequence just right! There are no mistakes on this training, only ways to handle different options.
9/2 Sunday - Beyond Foundations!
Short sequences appropriate for puppies and young dogs 6 months and up who are ready to start sequencing. OneMind Dogs technique training will be included.
This is perfect for puppies and dogs new to OneMind Dogs who have some foundations and are ready to start putting pieces together!
Smaller groups — Limit 8 working spots per session
Cost: Working participant $225
Auditor $100 full day