Back to School Fun with
Rebecca Thrift and Soshana Dos!
OneMind Dogs Training!
Wide World of Indoor Sports -- Climate controlled on Turf!
Montville, CT
August 18 & 19, 2018
The seminars will be split into 1/2 day sessions. Morning sessions will run from 9-12:30pm, afternoon sessions will run from 1:30-5pm. Two seminars will be running at the same time -- this is the perfect opportunity to work young dogs around distractions!
Cost: Working participant $125/half day session, or $225/full day
Auditor $60/half day, or $100 full day
Limit 10 working spots per session
OneMind Dogs Coach
Soshana Dos
Saturday AM - Either/Or Training
Saturday PM - Agility Foundations!
Sunday AM - Course Training
Sunday PM - Either / Or Training
OneMind Dogs Assistant Coach
Rebecca Thrift
Saturday AM - Agility Foundations!
Saturday PM - Either/Or Training
Sunday AM & PM - Course Training
Seminar Descriptions:
Agility Foundations!
Your dogs agility career begins here! A successful career begins with a solid foundation. OneMind Dogs Assistant Coach Becca and OneMind Dogs Coach Soshana will help you build that foundation! Different exercises will be covered in each session
Appropriate for puppies 15 weeks-1 year
Either/Or Training
Balance your training to strengthen your dogs understanding of your handling and improve your execution of the techniques in short sequences that show your dog how small differences can make a big impact.
Appropriate for dogs sequencing at least 8-10 obstacles. Some familiarity with OneMind Dogs techniques will be helpful. Obstacles used are jumps and tunnels. Young dogs are welcome.
**NOTE** Due to the large number of Either / Or registrations we have received, Soshana will be running another Either / Or session on Sunday PM, instead of Course Training!**
Course Training
Challenging courses will be set to challenge your skills as a team. You should be comfortable using OneMind Dogs techniques and applying them on course or staring to use them comfortably. Courses will be broken down as needed to suit individual needs.