Go BANANAS camp with Assistant Coach Marko Mäkelä
**Due to unexpected circumstances, Minna Martimo must cancel her trip. We will have her back ASAP!**
OneMind Dogs Training with Finnish coaches!
Wide World of Indoor Sports — Climate controlled on Turf!
Montville, CT
September 18 - 21, 2018 (Tues - Fri)
Stay for our UKI trial Sat & Sun with Marko judging!
The seminars will be split into 1/2 day sessions.
Morning sessions will run from 9-12:30pm, afternoon sessions will run from 1:30-5pm.
Marko now gets the entire field, so bring your running shoes!!
Cost: Working participant $135/session
Auditor $60/half day, or $100 full day
Smaller groups — Limit 8 working spots per session
OneMind Dogs Assistant Coach Marko Mäkelä
Tues AM - Either/Or Training
Tues PM - Course Training w/ theme 'What's your Position?'
Wed AM - Tunnel Fun! NEW
Wed PM - Finding the Fastest Path / Which Technique Where?
Thurs AM - Handling From Behind
Thurs PM - Handling From In Front
Fri AM - No Banana (understanding lines)
Fri PM - Gone Bananas! (course training)
Registration Open!
Seminar Descriptions:
Either/Or Training - Handle flawlessly! Learn how to navigate your dog through all possibilities of similar sequences! Does your dog follow your handling or make guesses? Do you know what you are telling your dog with your handling? Come and learn—both handler and dog—how do do each sequence just right! There are no mistakes on this training, only ways to handle different options.
Jumps & tunnels only will be used. Different exercises will be covered in each session.
Offered: Tues AM (Marko)
Course Training w/ theme 'What's your Position?' - Go Bananas! Course training the Finnish way. Make the most of your 2nd strongest handling element! Finding your best position on course to make course reading as easy as possible for your dog. All obstacles may be used.
Offered: Tues PM (Marko)
Tunnel Fun! - Including exercises appropriate for all levels. Tunnel time is so fun, and so easy! But are they!? Many errors on course can be attributed to an error occuring either directly at a tunnel, or trickle down a few obstacles later because something went awry at a previous tunnel.
Come join us to examine one of the most common, yet most complicated obstacles on courses! We will examine different tunnel challenges and variations of entries and exits. Suitable for young dogs, with more advanced exercises to challenge seasoned teams. Jumps & tunnels only will be used.
Offered: Wed AM (Marko)
Which Technique Where? / Finding the Fastest Path - Are you comfortable with executing different handling techniques but don't quite know when to use them? Understanding the shapes / paths that different techniques create is essential to figuring out where to execute a technique.
For those who are ready to push their limits, timers will be used to determine which line is fastest / more efficient for your dog. The results are sometimes surprising, and may be different for different dogs!
All obstacles may be used, however contacts / weaves may be skipped for younger teams.
Offered: Wed PM (Marko)
Handling from Behind (Techniques) - Fine tune, learn, better understand techniques you perform from behind. Examples of techniques executed from behind are: Rear Cross, Whiskey Cross, Tandem Turn, Flick, Lap Turn. Jumps & tunnels only will be used.
Offered: Thurs AM (Marko)
Handling in Front (Techniques) - Fine tune, learn, better understand techniques you perform from out in front. Examples of techniques executed in front are: Front Cross, Blind Cross, Reverse Spin, Lateral Push, German Turn, Running On the Dog's Line. Jumps & tunnels only will be used.
Offered: Thurs PM (Marko)
No Banana! (Understanding Lines) - Your dog is NOT a banana! Using string to discover your dogs path. Do you really know where your dog lands and turns when coming off a jump? Do you know what your dog's correction stride is? Do you even know what that means? This workshop is crucial to understanding what path your dog is actually taking, and when & how you can affect that path. Jumps & tunnels only will be used.
Offered: Fri AM (Marko)
Gone Bananas! - Course training using only jumps & tunnels. It's the end of the week and Marko has most definitely gone bananas at this point. If you're staying for our UKI competition over the weekend, I highly recommend running his courses!
Jumps & tunnels only will be used.
Offered: Fri PM (Marko)