Agility Classes

A Taste of Agility

An intro class with a sampling of agility obstacles to see if you and your dog have an aptitude for the game!
Perfect for those with no prior agility experience.


The most important class! This is where puppies and dogs just starting out learn the basics for everything they will do later. Relationship building, learning to play and learn, obstacle commitment, focus exercises, following the handling. Many struggles later on can be addressed by revisiting foundations exercises.


Open to puppies/dogs who have completed at least 1 foundation class. Pups will continue with their handling foundation training and begin their contacts and weave pole foundation training. This class may be repeated.


This class will focus on 1-2 different basic handling techniques each week as well as separate exercises for contacts and weave pole training. Each exercise will be modified to fit the individual team

OneMind Dogs Handling Techniques 1

Handling Techniques 1 is for teams of all levels to learn about the eight most common OneMind Dogs handling techniques: Front Cross, Rear Cross, Blind Cross, False Turn, Backside Send, Reverse Spin, Whisky Cross, and Lateral Push. This class is beneficial for all teams, regardless of their experience level or ultimate goal in agility, as these eight techniques are commonly used on agility courses of all levels. The training is individualized for each student so teams at every level are appropriately challenged. For each technique, there is an explanation and discussion, 'human dog' training, real dog training, virtual dog training, and coursework training. 

Strictly Contacts & Weaves!

This specialty class is for students who want more time progressing their contact and weave obstacles. All levels welcome as instruction will be tailored for each team to progress wherever you are in your training. More advanced students may add other obstacles to proof entries / exits.

NOTE: This class includes a 2-week break in the middle to allow for progression at home.


This class will teach you how to execute common handling techniques that are frequently needed on course. Some obstacle commitment exercises may be implemented. Jumps and tunnels will be used.


Short sequences using common and advanced techniques in short sequences. Students should have the basic understanding of techniques. Jumps and tunnels will be used. Contacts and weaves may also be used.

Distance Training

Handling with independence at a distance is not just for Gamblers. Give your dog the confidence with good obstacle commitment skills to move away from you on course. Slower handlers, velcro dogs, dogs that keep looking back or pulling off obstacles are most welcome.


Common and advanced techniques in sequences of up to 10 obstacles. This is an ongoing class with a specific handling technique each week.

NOVICE / ADVANCED Course Training

For dogs/handlers who are still fine tuning their common handling techniques and starting to learn some advanced techniques. Short coursework with all obstacles will be used.


Masters level courses will be set, discussed and run. Dogs should be proficient on all obstacles, as well as handlers familiar with all techniques.