Friday AM – The Perfect Three: Front, Blind, and Rear Cross Perfection
A Handling seminar geared toward perfecting the basic three crosses. Great for both novice AND very experienced teams. This seminar breaks down what “you’re late!” really means, and what “on time” really looks like.
9am - 12:30pm, limit 5 working
Working Spot - $165
Friday PM – Teaching Commitment
Our ability to navigate courses, especially to give timely cues, to set lines, and to stay ahead of our dogs, is entirely dependent upon the commitment our dogs have to the obstacles/behaviors we train. Everything that we do on course is a distraction from what the dog is doing in that moment (both nonverbal and verbal actions we make). We must train our dogs to continue to perform a behavior to criteria despite those distractions they are presented with.
This workshop will focus on training commitment and helping dogs understand this concept. Dogs should have the ability to independently go around a wing from minimum 10 feet away and do a short tunnel in sequence, but is also appropriate for dogs who are already running full courses.
1:30-5pm, limit 5 working
Working Spot - $165
Opens Mon 2/24 at 8am