Recall Games - Saturday, April 14, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
If your dog stands still when you call it, takes off to visit others instead of you, or zooms without you... come to this workshop! Two hours of games that show recalls don't have to be boring, and that coming when called is a signal that the fun is about to begin!
$40 per team. Limit 8. Instructor: Diane Patterson
Startlines that Stick - Saturday, April 14: 4:30 - 6:30pm
Does your dog take off before you release it? Is it slow to leave the startline, or, not capable of staying at all unless someone is holding it? Startline problems can often be traced back to inconsistencies in our "daily life" interactions with our dogs. In this workshop, we'll revisit criteria and shore up success with games designed to build your dog's confidence and understanding of startline behavior.
$40 per team. Limit 8. Instructor: Diane Patterson
email to register.