Location: The Agility Facility, Ledyard, CT.
Judge: Kelly Ely
Agility – B/N, then S/C
Masters Series Agility – open to all
Snooker – B/N, then S/C
Jumping – S/C, then B/N
Masters Series Jumping – open to all
Open Gamblers – all levels
Agility – S/C, then B/N
Jumping – S/C, then B/N
Speedstakes Round 1 – S/C, then B/N
Speedstakes Round 2 – S/C, then B/N
COVID measures will be in effect, detailed in the premium.
A great organization to start young dogs in!
UKI offers 3 great ways to help maintain clear criteria in competition:
NFC runs - bring a toy in the ring to reward and train!
Food reward area - a designated enclosure will be available adjacent to the ring for giving food rewards during a declared NFC run.
“Repeat and Move On (RMO)” - team is allowed to repeat something if the handler’s criteria is not met.
See rulebook, page 33, section 4.12 for details on the above.